Empowering Your Entrepreneurial Journey!

Join Vision International Educational Consultants as a Franchisee.

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Why Vision International Educational Consultants?

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Strengthen your enterprise with the support of a flourishing brand established.

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Become part of a growing network spanning over 10+ offices

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Enter an industry known for its exceptional return on investment (ROI).

Vision International Educational Consultants Franchisee Model

Requirements Details
Office Space Requirement 700 sqft - 1100 sqft
Initial Agreement Tenure 2 Years (Renewable-free*)
Initial Training Yes
Franchisee Ecosystem Present
Ongoing Support Yes
Expected ROI 30% to 50%
Expected Payback Period 2 to 3 years
Franchisee Financial Support 2% of Franchise fee every month
Franchise Fees INR (5,00,000 to 15,00,000) + GST

Why Opting for Vision International Educational Consultants
is the Correct Business Choice?

Business Set-up Solutions

Utilize our industry knowledge and thorough support to receive customized business establishment solutions suitable for your market, fostering strategic and swift growth.

Training and Onboarding at Our Headquarters

Infrastructure Setup

Marketing Strategies and Materials

Staff Recruitment

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